A) Yuppies/white people/politicians/police aren't as scared of black people in the NW as they are in other parts of the country?
B) Demographics (rather than half or two-thirds of our cities, these spots were smaller pockets, thereby making these communities more vulnerable?
C) The hoods were just bad enough to be affordable but not bad enough to avoid gentrification?
D) Other ideas.
Don't mean to take the attention away from the man who lost his life and one of our favorite rappers, I just know a lot of the Portland folks are very passionate about this discussion.
this has been spoke on before a lot my first record store was on mississippi and albina and back then white folx wouldnt be around only a few the t shirt lady and the light bulb lady or some random white crackhead before the meth epidemic' black folx owned there homes reminents of the black folx who got flooded out in the vanport flood when they got tired of blacks and poor whites bieng in portland after the war and they didnt need them to build ships anymore research (vanport flood)there was black stores and resturants but they (pdc) portland development commitee had there own plans and it didnt include black business when my lease was up after 5 years the owner came to me and was like octavius i have a offer from this white guy to pay me $2500 a month for the store front ,now mind you i was paying $500 for 5 years which aint bad but he did offer me a chance to pay 2500 but shit i had put in over 10k over those 5 yrs in upgrades and construction paint ,carpet,shit even killin a big ass rat that was living there for 12 years while it layed empty to but he knew at 2500 i would not be able to make a decent profit i could have stayed and been broke or move to another location and build my store back up,i offered a gee a month but he knew that that garanteed money was backed by the banks that wouldnt give me a loan even though i had a-1 credit back then and a 800 credit score they had a new face and a new direction they wanted to do with that area and it didnt include the black folx the ones that didnt sell out was harrassed the old man down the street from me had a church they killed him by going by his church begging him to sell his propertyevery other day they would just mess with him he came down and asked me for help one day it was 2 white dudes from new jerzey trying to offer him 16k for his church lol 10k sqr foot for 16k i told them to get the fuck outta here ,but they kept coming more and more different people with money making offers and driving out home owners and businesses we couldnt get loans or business loans i survived by a loyal costumer base and having the under ground rap shit first,the same success story would still be the same if they gave us loans and the city backed us with garanteed loans and police patrols like they have now,it would be a thriving commuinty like it is now mississippi looks like nw 23rd now the life and soul of mississipi st is gone its looks good on the outside but it has no substance it doesnt look or feel right to anybody well maybe a few hippies and dog lovers i have pits i love dogs to but not more than a human bieng ,if you need anymore info check out the independant movie called (n.e passage) it chronicalized the whole genderfercation of mississippi st,its a cold game,and big business...
p.s maniak lok hope you have a speedy recorvery brother,rest in peace to your folx,one love records for life (RIP MISSISSIPPI STREET)