i fucking hate cokeheads though. the whiniest, most needy people of all time. and god forbid they run out of it too early in the party. i liked the idea of coke being there, because it was fun to watch other people be twacked out, but fuck it for always involving me at some point because i just smoked weed and drank somewhat. too many late night runs where I had to drive previously mentioned cokehead friend to Richmond to score more blow. like most cokeheads, dude was on game like 75% of the time, copping an eightball and making mad profit off the little cokehead bitches he brought that shit back to.
occasionally though, he'd fuck off the money, or couldnt get soft, and ended up getting hard smoking that shit on the bay bridge coming back to my place in the city, and then telling people he got robbed. ive written more than a few (true) stories about getting robbed, watching him smoke crack, all the cokey tales that got him or me fucked over, and the occasional almost-get-pulled-over-so-i-better-eat-the-gram-in-my-pocket-only-to-puke-it-up-after-the-cop-passes-us story