Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
I havent owned a cell phone in over a year. I feel lucky im not a slave to smart phone constantly looking down, not seeing the world around them.
I've never had a smartphone. I have a gophone in case of emergencies and if I need to make a call myself. I don't even know the number and have put like $150 on it in almost three years.

I'll admit I like all the other functions of smartphones outside of the phone/texting part though lol.
Props: BUTCHER 206
Aug 4, 2003
Yup. My car is piece is a shit. the past year when iv gone on longer trips iv tried to find rides just so I dont have to use my car. Also about 3 years my heating core went out and its a 8+ hour to replace it in a shop for $50 part because you have to remove the whole dash. So I bypassed the heater so my car has no heater or AC now. So winter fishing trips are a bitch now. Especially when there is freezing fog, cant see shit when that happens. Almost wrecked last year.