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Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
The once thought 'quasi', now 'completely' racist homophobic people that post on the gun forum are having a field day with the Zimmerman/Martin verdict. Here are some gems...

Martin's death isn't a "tragedy." It's a cause for celebration. A murderous, drug-dealing, psychotic hood rat is dead. He's burning in hell right now and that's precisely where he belongs. I'd have shot him, too. Good on Zimmerman for ridding the world of this barbaric piece of sub-human garbage
If Martin's parents do try to sue Zimmerman, I hope they end up losing the $1M+ that they extorted out of the gated community's home owner's association.
Martin was a hood rat. He was also a grade-a psychopath, with a long history of skipping school, dealing drugs, robbing houses, and violent behavior. He went back and assaulted Zimmerman with the intent of killing him. Remember, Zimmerman actually obeyed the 911 operator (who incidentally had no authority to tell the guy not to follow Martin) and was waiting by his pickup to talk to the police, when Martin jumped out of the bushes and assaulted him. Zimmerman didn't start the fight; Martin did. There's no legitimate dispute on this point.