All of the san jose adjacent cities blow. Not a huge san jose guy anyway, but the outlaying towns are hot wet garbage.
i have a love/hate relationship with SJ too breh i feel you.
...its the mexicans breh, i know... its like they make good food but produce too damn many babies, right breh? & now all them babies are taggers or gangbangers & fuck it up for everyone.
then you got all the asians who cant drive & clog up the fucking roads by moving their mom & pops over here ( who I wont even mention they come & collect American social security but thats a whole other story ) & they get their mom & pops aunts n uncles sisters n brother cousins & shit drivers licenses & FUCK the roads up cause they come from a country that rides mopeds & tuk tuks...
wait, is that what you meant by "Not a big SJ guy"? ...if not pls ignore my rant.
HAHAHAHAAA! :chinese: