I been listening to this new Yeah Yeah Yeahs through the day, I like it - caused me to load some of there older shit, and they are overall a decent add to my itunes collection.
I been listening to this new Yeah Yeah Yeahs through the day, I like it - caused me to load some of there older shit, and they are overall a decent add to my itunes collection.
I haven't heard the new album yet (although one of my friend's who is a huge fan said it's ehh) but Fever to Tell and Show Your Bones are both really great albums. It's Blitz! is pretty good but that's where they started going for this weird alternative disco sound or something and I've heard the new album is more of that.
Anyways, yeah you should spend some time with their first two albums. I've seen them twice live too and they put on great show.
I got super medicated a couple hours ago, went to look in the fridge, and ended up spending an hour and a half making a risotto. The risotto is proper, but I'm not even that hungry.