I guess I am thinking about it as a "my shit was better than these guy's shit" stand point.
So many different types of personalities existed in the 90's.
Everybody's taste in music was blowing up, on MTV alone you would see gangster rap, metal, pop rap, girl pop, boy bands, everything had a show.
The internet was a lot more fun back then also, I met one of the dopest girlfriends I ever had when both of us were trolling yahoo's old chat rooms lol. Yahoo chat and mplayer chat were the shit back in the day.
We had a decent amount of technology, but people still went outside for the most part back then. The technology hermits definitely outweigh the social outdoors types now days.
I don't know, I just don't really dig things now days as much. People stay with their face buried in their cell phones texting and facebooking. I notice that every time i'm with a group of people, most of them can't go 5 minutes without looking at their cellphone, then i'll look over at another group of people and it's the same shit. People are mindless drones now days.
Back in the late 90's we had a good mix of technology and social skills