my niece and nephew would rather wear some cheap ass walmart slippers with pictures of race cars or lady bugs on them or something like that, #fact
already tried the whole nice shoes shit, they just get ruined in like 1 hour and they dont like them anyway. shit my nephew would probably wear dinosaur slippers 24/7 if my sister let him and my niece would wear bunny slippers
no offense but a 3.0 sucks lol you should aim for 3.5 or higher
i fucked around my first few quarters, my average was like 2.9, then i realized i was being a dumbass and got hella 4.0s in a row. brought that shit up to 3.6. i wish i could do it all over again cause even a 3.6 isnt shit
lol what a buzzkill. I know what you mean though, especially in this competitive college world. I'm working on it though, I did the same shit; I failed a couple classes my first semester and realized what a waste it was.