16 is legal consent here in WA but that would still be waaaaaaaaay too weird. Hell, anything under 21 would be pretty fucking weird. Like, you need to at least be able to go to a bar even if you don't drink.
When Scoob Nitty of the Ghetto Starz went to jail, Mizery was talking shit for no reason. I made a comment that mizery is a square i think, and it upset him lol
When Scoob Nitty of the Ghetto Starz went to jail, Mizery was talking shit for no reason. I made a comment that mizery is a square i think, and it upset him lol
damn it ain't possible to lower the time limit on the props on that proboards shit, only 1 prop per person can be given, props are like gold on that muhfucka
Yeah I know that fool PMs a bunch of people I just wanted to know what was up with Iller and Shane's. Like Shane is one of the last people on here I'd expect to get a crazy ass PM from someone, even that dude lol.