Cmon son, we make Rakija in the villages, you are barking up the wrong tree!
Wat. Now you are confusing me. You guys said you drink whiskey and beer right after each other
Lol @ a beer drinker calling my stomach a faggot. I don't drink that soft ass shit haha
Yes people do take shots and then chase it with beer sometimes. No one ever said that was just all they do or how the subject even started either. People also will have a few whiskey drinks, then maybe a few beers, a couple shots.. whatever over the course of a night. You can change whiskey up for whatever hard alcohol, I'm just using it as an example.
I'm pretty sure you are just playing dumb (I hope) because you don't want to come off as not being able to hold your liquor and also thinking it was just Americans who mix different types in a night when even your own people said they do. It's okay breh, if you try it your faggot stomach will go away at somepoint.