Yeah I was sitting down choppin it with her and her dude was standing right next to me hella mad not saying shit. I didn't even realize it until my boy told me then dude he grabbed her arm and dragged her away lol
It's a serious issue, I'm always worried everytime I am out with my cousin and friends cause this dude doesn't give a fuck he will chat up any girl, trouble will start and somebody is going to get seriously hurt.
I'm a slimeball but atleast I got a bit of a concious. Last time the husband was standing right there giving him evil looks as he was chatting up his laughing/smiling wife and friend. I was like shit it's gonna be on like donkey kong, 7 of us and about 10 of them. I'm telling you they would of died we were all coked the fuck out of our heads, you don't feel any hits on that level.
Thank HAD he now has settled down and has a GF..
yeah I know cool story..