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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
hmmm that panasonic viera VT30 going up in price by $150 might have actually been a stroke of luck and a blessing in disguise for me... after seeing it went up i went looking at other tv's, namely i revisited the new 50 series panasonic TV's. now that theyve been out for a month and people ahve bought them and reviewed them more, after an hour or so of reading reviews and such ive found that the gt50 is pretty much as good or even slightly better than the vt30. their models go ST, GT, VT, with VT being top tier, gt a little lower etc. last years was st30, gt30, vt30, this year st50, gt50, vt50. so anyway going back and looking at the 50 series i saw that theyve also dropped in price from their suggested prices, and itd probably be cheaper and wiser to go for a 55" or 60" gt50 instead of the 65" VT30. id get the same picture quality, maybe even better in regards to colors and motion smoothing etc.

i think im definitely pulling the trigger on a 55" or 60" gt50 this friday. itll be cheaper than what i was getting the vt30 for and will be just as good or better! shit seems to be working out. was going to be $2520 for that vt30 (now like 2800 after their fuckin price increase), now i might end up paying like $2000-$2500 for the GT50. keeping my fingers crossed theres no more price increases

damn i could have said all this in like 3 refined sentences rather htan just blabbing on... fast typing is a curse

tl;dr: tv i was looking at went up in price, allowed me to revisit previous options that werent really viable at the time, after 2 months passed these options are now very viable and also superior and cheaper than the tv i was looking at, blessing in disguise


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
man i could buy that gt50 55" tv right now this very second but just knowing that its 40% smaller than a 65", i cant even live with that decision lol
a 60" is as low as ill go i think

actually screen size is 29% smaller, a 60" would be 14% smaller, much more easy to deal with taht lol


Allez Les Bleus 🌟🌟
Feb 27, 2006
Paris, France
man i could buy that gt50 55" tv right now this very second but just knowing that its 40% smaller than a 65", i cant even live with that decision lol
a 60" is as low as ill go i think

actually screen size is 29% smaller, a 60" would be 14% smaller, much more easy to deal with taht lol
why don't you just get a 30" tv? you don't need something that's 60"+.......