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Jan 29, 2005
fuck this AZ Governor is such a faggot bitch. I'm reading some articles right now and last year her and the state Attorney General filed a federal lawsuit against dispensaries opening which a federal judge threw out and said that dispensaries can open, now even after the 100 shops got licenses to open the Attorney General said he would prosecute anybody that opens one because they violate federal law even though they're legal under state law. LOL these retards are gonna end up shooting themselves in the foot. A damn federal judge already told them to quit fucking with the process and yet they still want to keep fucking with the process.

lol @ these faggots. The people of the fucking state they represent voted this shit to become legal, why in the fuck alienate your voting base. I can't fucking wait till this cunt is out of office, she wasn't even voted in to begin with, good luck getting re-elected.
Jan 29, 2005
the more and more I read about this piece of shit bitch the more I hate her

Apparently she got caught lying about her father after she signed a bill saying gays can't marry in AZ she was called a Nazi and her response was "It saddens me to have them call me that when my father died fighting Nazi's in WWII when I was 11" and it turns out he died 10 years after the war ended due to lung cancer.

Then it turns out she has a son who has been institutionalized after being found insane when he brutally raped a girl, dude has been locked up in a crazy house for 22 years.

God damn, makes me kind of happy that nobody in their right mind voted her into office, she got in because the last Governor took a federal government job and she was the Secretary of State of AZ.