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( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
RAGE is the leading cause of INTERNET HATE, steroidal hacking and rAIDS. As we all know, THE INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS and evokes all manner of e-motion. None, however, crosses the blood/brain barrier as quickly as pure, unadulterated RAGE of the *chan variety. RAGE RAGE Multiplayer is an alternative multiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto V. RAGE Multiplayer Discover fresh copypasta here. Hi! I'm Kevin and I tripled my net worth in the last year over hundreds of trades. Some of my best trades include making $14,600.80 in HRB calls and $13,826.36 in GM calls. I share trade ideas, stock due diligence, and macroeconomic research in this newsletter. Ninja copypastas Dec 15, 2014 · If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" insult was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you freaking scrub. I will rogue you and you will get knocked back in the lava, and you’ll rage. You're freaking dead, kiddo. Navy Seal Copypasta Jun 14, 2012 · Navy Seal Copypasta (also known as the “Marine Copypasta ”, " Internet Tough Guy Copypasta” and “Gorilla Warfare Copypasta”) is a facetious message containing a series of ridiculous claims and grandiose threats that portray the poster as an Internet tough guy stereotype. In the original post, the writer claimed to be a former Navy Seal with a long history of combat experiences, using … Navy Seal Copypasta Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. D&D Beyond Copypasta Warning: this content is nsfw. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another . Navy Seal League of Legends might be known for its weird in-game traditions and antics, but that's nothing compared to its copypasta. Developed over several years since its launch back in 2009, League of Legends now has plenty of hilarious copypasta that is enough to make anyone laugh.. From Imaqtpie copypasta to classics that have been passed down by generations, there’s so much copypasta out … The Funniest League of Legends Copypasta You'll Want To Ctrl Sep 02, 2012 · Can anyone give me some good rage copypasta? Like a giant wall of insults to post when somebody makes fun of me? 06-22-2012, 04:19 PM #2. drswolebrah. View Profile View Forum Posts Banned Join Date: Jun 2012 Posts: 1,956 Rep Power: 0. u are 1 ****ing cheeky kunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u i swear on my mums life and i no u are scared lil . Can anyone give me some good rage copypasta . FaZe Sway's Primal Shotgun Rage. REMOVE THE FUCKING PRIMAL SHOTGUN BRO THIS DOGSHIT GUN LIKE HOLY FUCK THE MOST UNSKILLFUL GUN IN ALL OF HISTORY OF VIDEO GAMES LIKE HOW TF DO U MANAGE TO MAKE THIS A ACTUAL GUN IN THE GAME LIKE ITS SO FUCKING BROKEN HOLY SHIT FUCKING REMOVE IT BRO IM LOSING MY MIND WHAT THE FUCK. . Cheese copypasta, it’s . FaZe Sway's Primal Shotgun Rage : copypasta Feb 16, 2021 · okay this isnt a copypasta but i had a weird bug today with rage pit where I died during the countdown pre event, but after the event when I went back to spawn I kept my bounty weird rage pit bounty related bug No. Trump was responsible for the holocaust, the Armenian genocide, WW2, the Korean war, the Vietnam War, 9/11, the Arab Spring, the Crusades, the Islamic invasion of Spain, the formation of Israel, he was also responsible for driving the Jews out of Israel in the first place,in fact the Egyptians did nothing wrong; it was Trump who was responsible for enslaving the Jews. Alex Jones Rage : copypasta Gamer rage. nsfw. Close.
Props: Chree


( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
5. Posted by 10 months ago. Archived. Gamer rage. nsfw. Click to see nsfw. 4 comments. share. save. hide. report. 100% Upvoted. This thread is archived. . Moderator of r/copypasta, speaking officially 10 months ago. I used to play Fortnite all night. No sleep! But ever since Obama told me to try Raid Shadow Legends . Gamer rage : copypasta copypasta. Mainstream reddit memes in a nutshell. . out of pure bloodcurdling rage. I want to detonate a MASSIVE thermonuclear warhead right on top of whatever godforsaken studio publishes that stinking-pile-of-trash comic. Frankly, I don’t even care for the civilian casualties, either. At least they died for a … copypasta :)Did the end suprise you? :DRage clips belong to Anomaly.Music is by Kevin Macleod - Glee Club PolkaSoftware used:Sony Vegas Pro 13Balabolka (for text-to-sp. HaiX Rage Translated with Google Translate When a flying fish ruins you so hard you start breaking shit.It's probably why he's still in Early Access. Cup of Rage feat. YandereDev Copypasta of a person's past experience or events that is so absurd it became a meme of its own. Usually untrue stories that tries to circle jerk opinions. . In a fit of desperate rage, they shatter your device against a wall and exclaim, arms raised to the heavens: "This … Storytime (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)งSuccubus release Kripp or taste our rage(ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง . ノ(ಠ_ಠノ ) ʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴏɴɢᴇʀs ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) ヽ༼Ὸل͜ຈ༽ノ HOIST THY DONGERS ヽ༼Ὸل͜ຈ༽ノ . ヽ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ Kripp you are kinda like my dad, except you're always there for me. ヽ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ Copy & Paste Dump A growing database for twitch chat copypasta. Submit your own copypasta to protect and preserve cultural heritage or browse through a variety of categories and learn. . But he makes one mistake and make his carry Rage Buyback. He feels like no-one likes him, He no longer wants to live. Twitch Copypasta Database About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The "Navy Seal" Copypasta Bro image how much weed Aang could smoke at once, like, he probably wouldn't even need a pipe to smoke a while oz of it he could just burn it with his firebending and use his airbending to bend the smoke into his lungs, which could hold a lot because he's an air bender, just imagine how much he could smoke, you pass him a full bowl and he just dumps it out into his hands and take the whole . Cursed Thoughts May 14, 2009 · About. Copypasta is internet slang for any block of text that gets copied and pasted over and over again, typically disseminated by individuals through online discussion forums and social networking sites. The term is an English portmanteau of "copy," "paste" and "pasta." Although it shares some characteristics with spam in the sense they're both unsolicited (and often considered a nuisance . Copypasta Jan 15, 2013 · Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m (Katy the Penguin of Doom) is a copypasta story told from the perspective of a 13-year-old girl who claims to visit 4chan’s /b/ (random) board because she is “very random.” Written in a jumble of l33tspeak and SMS shorthands, the story is meant to mock the attention-seeking style of humor that is often characterized as “so random” by adolescent Internet users. Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m Feb 01, 2020 · Honey copypasta Honey is a free browser add-on available on Google, Oprah, Firefox, Safari, if it's a browser it has Honey. All you have to do is when you're checking out on one of these major sites, just click that little orange button, and it will scan the entire internet and find discount codes for you. As you see right here, I'm on Hanes, y . All the annoying copypasta for fake spam threads I thought I'd start reading copypasta - why not start with this?If you like it - could you share it ,please?Email me - [email protected] me on facebook. Navy Seal Copypasta Rage. Edit. History Talk (0) Comments Share. So, my mom got a new boyfriend. I never actually liked this new man. He was the fourth man my mother decided to date. And, being a rather eavesdropping fifteen year-old, I did not like what I heard and saw by first hand account. The original three boyfriends were not those I entirely liked either . Rage CopypastaText is the leading archive of copypastas around the internet. Discover from the hottest Among Us ASCII Art to the absolute classic Navy Seals copypastas! Copypasta [Copypasta] Kripp will baby rage no matter the game! 16. 16. twitchquotes: Hearthstone? Artifact? it's all the same! Kripp will baby rage no matter the game! expand. twitch chat copy to clipboard. December 2018. Kripp Hearthstone neverlucky Artifact Tweet. Share. Artifact 4 . [Copypasta] Kripp will baby rage no matter the game . Best CopyPasta see below for a brief history of copypasta — DO IT, just DO IT! Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday, you said tomorrow. So just. DO IT! Make. your dreams. COME TRUE! Just… do it! Some people dream of success, while you’re gonna wake up and work HARD at it! best copypasta Intellectual Rage Your ego is more impinguated than your body could ever be, and your parlance manifold more dropsical, which only makes one anticipate consectaneous sphacelation, It's tenably perspicuous that the amount of astrocytes in your callosal commisure is inversely correlated to your sense of self worth, and your surbations of . Intellectual Rage : copypasta Nov 10, 2020 · "Navy Seal Copypasta" is an angry rant post that gained online notoriety for its abundance of ridiculous self-flattery and threats that portray the poster as an "Internet tough guy" stereotype. In the original post, the writer claimed to be a former Navy Seal with a long history of combat. You stupid fucking idiot. or the best copypastas . Feb 10, 2017 · About The Undertaker Threw Mankind Off Hell in a Cell is a copypasta often seen on Reddit and Facebook, which is typically altered to fit the context of the post it is responding to. Redditor "shittymorph":shittymorph is often credited with popularizing the message within various subreddits. The Undertaker Threw Mankind Off Hell in a Cell copypasta. Billie Ellish is 18 years old now, y’all know what that means. Billie Ellish 🙎🏼‍♀️is 18 🔞years old now🤭, y'all 🤠 know what that means 😳🤭. Yes, she's now legaly 👮‍♂️allowed to operate the 2019 Viper🐍 Rt80 8000lb Air🌬 Pneumatic Forklift Hatz Diesel Lift Truck 🚛. copypasta Oldest Copypasta- As in 20 years old. Everything newer goes in normal archives. Raping Little Suzy; Tramp anon - a homeless story from /g/ Copypasta Endings. Often copypasta will have endings resulting in various memes and lulz, as follows: Bel-Air. This will end the copypasta with the famous theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Often . Copypasta Another Rage Meter but with I_AM_WILDCAT this time.. Last time I did it with Mini Ladd.. Thinking of Nogla now. .. :DBasicallyIDoWrk Ra. RAGE Meter with I_AM_WILDCAT! The Navy Seal Copypasta is believed to have originated on the military and weapons enthusiast image board Operator Chan sometime in 2010. The earliest archived posting was submitted on November . Copypasta – Navy Seal Copypasta 1 Bio 2 Powers/Weapons 3 Movelist 3.1 Special Moves 3.2 Super Move 3.3 Creepy Finishers 3.4 Friendship 4 Poses 4.1 Intro 4.2 Win 4.3 Victory 5 Win Quotes 6 Arcade Mode 6.1 Intro 6.2 Ending 7 Notes The Rage is a Demon spawned from the anger of a teenager. In his time on earth, he faced off against many beings, but his main arch enemy is the son of the Doom King: The Doctor. The Doctor and The . Creepypasta the Fighters/The Rage Pepega rage. posted 1 years ago. Dota2. COPY. 16. Massive Pidas. posted 1 years ago. Dota2. COPY. 11. Pepega rage #2. posted 1 years ago. Dota2. COPY. 30. . Submit your own copypasta to protect and preserve cultural heritage or browse through a variety of categories and learn. Toggle navigation . Twitch Copypasta Database Browse Twitch Chat copypastas with the emote BabyRage. Download links and image previews for BabyRage. TwitchQuotes is the leading database for Twitch chat quotes, copypastas, and ASCII art. BabyRage Twitch Chat Emote [Copypasta] BabyRage pyramid. 114. 114. expand. twitch chat copy to clipboard. April 2017. Kripp Tweet. Share I used to be a real ad. More Kripp Copypastas LUL KEK 76. 76. twitchquotes: KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK. expand. twitch chat copy to clipboard. April 2016. Kripp . [Copypasta] BabyRage pyramid Sep 01, 2016 · “I Saw Flying Lotus at a Grocery Store…” refers to a popular copypasta in which the poster tells a story of a famous person acting like a jerk in a grocery store. The subject of the copypasta is usually a very well-liked celebrity, thus pranking people into … "I Saw Flying Lotus in a Grocery Store. " Copypasta . A growing database for twitch chat copypasta. Submit your own copypasta to protect and preserve cultural heritage or browse through a variety of categories and learn.
Props: Chree
Jan 29, 2005
5. Posted by 10 months ago. Archived. Gamer rage. nsfw. Click to see nsfw. 4 comments. share. save. hide. report. 100% Upvoted. This thread is archived. . Moderator of r/copypasta, speaking officially 10 months ago. I used to play Fortnite all night. No sleep! But ever since Obama told me to try Raid Shadow Legends . Gamer rage : copypasta copypasta. Mainstream reddit memes in a nutshell. . out of pure bloodcurdling rage. I want to detonate a MASSIVE thermonuclear warhead right on top of whatever godforsaken studio publishes that stinking-pile-of-trash comic. Frankly, I don’t even care for the civilian casualties, either. At least they died for a … copypasta :)Did the end suprise you? :DRage clips belong to Anomaly.Music is by Kevin Macleod - Glee Club PolkaSoftware used:Sony Vegas Pro 13Balabolka (for text-to-sp. HaiX Rage Translated with Google Translate When a flying fish ruins you so hard you start breaking shit.It's probably why he's still in Early Access. Cup of Rage feat. YandereDev Copypasta of a person's past experience or events that is so absurd it became a meme of its own. Usually untrue stories that tries to circle jerk opinions. . In a fit of desperate rage, they shatter your device against a wall and exclaim, arms raised to the heavens: "This … Storytime (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)งSuccubus release Kripp or taste our rage(ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง . ノ(ಠ_ಠノ ) ʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴏɴɢᴇʀs ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) ヽ༼Ὸل͜ຈ༽ノ HOIST THY DONGERS ヽ༼Ὸل͜ຈ༽ノ . ヽ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ Kripp you are kinda like my dad, except you're always there for me. ヽ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ Copy & Paste Dump A growing database for twitch chat copypasta. Submit your own copypasta to protect and preserve cultural heritage or browse through a variety of categories and learn. . But he makes one mistake and make his carry Rage Buyback. He feels like no-one likes him, He no longer wants to live. Twitch Copypasta Database About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The "Navy Seal" Copypasta Bro image how much weed Aang could smoke at once, like, he probably wouldn't even need a pipe to smoke a while oz of it he could just burn it with his firebending and use his airbending to bend the smoke into his lungs, which could hold a lot because he's an air bender, just imagine how much he could smoke, you pass him a full bowl and he just dumps it out into his hands and take the whole . Cursed Thoughts May 14, 2009 · About. Copypasta is internet slang for any block of text that gets copied and pasted over and over again, typically disseminated by individuals through online discussion forums and social networking sites. The term is an English portmanteau of "copy," "paste" and "pasta." Although it shares some characteristics with spam in the sense they're both unsolicited (and often considered a nuisance . Copypasta Jan 15, 2013 · Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m (Katy the Penguin of Doom) is a copypasta story told from the perspective of a 13-year-old girl who claims to visit 4chan’s /b/ (random) board because she is “very random.” Written in a jumble of l33tspeak and SMS shorthands, the story is meant to mock the attention-seeking style of humor that is often characterized as “so random” by adolescent Internet users. Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m Feb 01, 2020 · Honey copypasta Honey is a free browser add-on available on Google, Oprah, Firefox, Safari, if it's a browser it has Honey. All you have to do is when you're checking out on one of these major sites, just click that little orange button, and it will scan the entire internet and find discount codes for you. As you see right here, I'm on Hanes, y . All the annoying copypasta for fake spam threads I thought I'd start reading copypasta - why not start with this?If you like it - could you share it ,please?Email me - [email protected] me on facebook. Navy Seal Copypasta Rage. Edit. History Talk (0) Comments Share. So, my mom got a new boyfriend. I never actually liked this new man. He was the fourth man my mother decided to date. And, being a rather eavesdropping fifteen year-old, I did not like what I heard and saw by first hand account. The original three boyfriends were not those I entirely liked either . Rage CopypastaText is the leading archive of copypastas around the internet. Discover from the hottest Among Us ASCII Art to the absolute classic Navy Seals copypastas! Copypasta [Copypasta] Kripp will baby rage no matter the game! 16. 16. twitchquotes: Hearthstone? Artifact? it's all the same! Kripp will baby rage no matter the game! expand. twitch chat copy to clipboard. December 2018. Kripp Hearthstone neverlucky Artifact Tweet. Share. Artifact 4 . [Copypasta] Kripp will baby rage no matter the game . Best CopyPasta see below for a brief history of copypasta — DO IT, just DO IT! Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday, you said tomorrow. So just. DO IT! Make. your dreams. COME TRUE! Just… do it! Some people dream of success, while you’re gonna wake up and work HARD at it! best copypasta Intellectual Rage Your ego is more impinguated than your body could ever be, and your parlance manifold more dropsical, which only makes one anticipate consectaneous sphacelation, It's tenably perspicuous that the amount of astrocytes in your callosal commisure is inversely correlated to your sense of self worth, and your surbations of . Intellectual Rage : copypasta Nov 10, 2020 · "Navy Seal Copypasta" is an angry rant post that gained online notoriety for its abundance of ridiculous self-flattery and threats that portray the poster as an "Internet tough guy" stereotype. In the original post, the writer claimed to be a former Navy Seal with a long history of combat. You stupid fucking idiot. or the best copypastas . Feb 10, 2017 · About The Undertaker Threw Mankind Off Hell in a Cell is a copypasta often seen on Reddit and Facebook, which is typically altered to fit the context of the post it is responding to. Redditor "shittymorph":shittymorph is often credited with popularizing the message within various subreddits. The Undertaker Threw Mankind Off Hell in a Cell copypasta. Billie Ellish is 18 years old now, y’all know what that means. Billie Ellish 🙎🏼‍♀️is 18 🔞years old now🤭, y'all 🤠 know what that means 😳🤭. Yes, she's now legaly 👮‍♂️allowed to operate the 2019 Viper🐍 Rt80 8000lb Air🌬 Pneumatic Forklift Hatz Diesel Lift Truck 🚛. copypasta Oldest Copypasta- As in 20 years old. Everything newer goes in normal archives. Raping Little Suzy; Tramp anon - a homeless story from /g/ Copypasta Endings. Often copypasta will have endings resulting in various memes and lulz, as follows: Bel-Air. This will end the copypasta with the famous theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Often . Copypasta Another Rage Meter but with I_AM_WILDCAT this time.. Last time I did it with Mini Ladd.. Thinking of Nogla now. .. :DBasicallyIDoWrk Ra. RAGE Meter with I_AM_WILDCAT! The Navy Seal Copypasta is believed to have originated on the military and weapons enthusiast image board Operator Chan sometime in 2010. The earliest archived posting was submitted on November . Copypasta – Navy Seal Copypasta 1 Bio 2 Powers/Weapons 3 Movelist 3.1 Special Moves 3.2 Super Move 3.3 Creepy Finishers 3.4 Friendship 4 Poses 4.1 Intro 4.2 Win 4.3 Victory 5 Win Quotes 6 Arcade Mode 6.1 Intro 6.2 Ending 7 Notes The Rage is a Demon spawned from the anger of a teenager. In his time on earth, he faced off against many beings, but his main arch enemy is the son of the Doom King: The Doctor. The Doctor and The . Creepypasta the Fighters/The Rage Pepega rage. posted 1 years ago. Dota2. COPY. 16. Massive Pidas. posted 1 years ago. Dota2. COPY. 11. Pepega rage #2. posted 1 years ago. Dota2. COPY. 30. . Submit your own copypasta to protect and preserve cultural heritage or browse through a variety of categories and learn. Toggle navigation . Twitch Copypasta Database Browse Twitch Chat copypastas with the emote BabyRage. Download links and image previews for BabyRage. TwitchQuotes is the leading database for Twitch chat quotes, copypastas, and ASCII art. BabyRage Twitch Chat Emote [Copypasta] BabyRage pyramid. 114. 114. expand. twitch chat copy to clipboard. April 2017. Kripp Tweet. Share I used to be a real ad. More Kripp Copypastas LUL KEK 76. 76. twitchquotes: KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK KEK. expand. twitch chat copy to clipboard. April 2016. Kripp . [Copypasta] BabyRage pyramid Sep 01, 2016 · “I Saw Flying Lotus at a Grocery Store…” refers to a popular copypasta in which the poster tells a story of a famous person acting like a jerk in a grocery store. The subject of the copypasta is usually a very well-liked celebrity, thus pranking people into … "I Saw Flying Lotus in a Grocery Store. " Copypasta . A growing database for twitch chat copypasta. Submit your own copypasta to protect and preserve cultural heritage or browse through a variety of categories and learn.
But have you recently kick flipped with snow bunnies while listening to Zara Larsson?
Props: siccmadesyko
May 4, 2002
how tf do you get rid of these youtube search tabs?

next to the home button mine is listed as: all, podcast, live, music, history, debates ect...

i cleared that shit out before but cant remember how to do it.