Seattle Colleges Alert Message <[email protected]>
12:46 PM (2 hours ago)
to Seattle
South Seattle College is moving to alternative modes of Instruction for remainder of Winter Quarter in accordance with Covid-19 recommendations from King County Public Health to reduce large numbers of people coming together at the same time. No Classes March 9. Instruction Resumes March 10. Learn more on our website at
Important Highlights of This Change
Beginning Monday, March 9, South Seattle College is moving from in-person classroom instruction to the appropriate alternative modality for each class, when and where possible. This includes satellite locations of Georgetown and NewHolly, and will continue through the end of the Winter Quarter (March 25). The move is in accordance with the COVID-19 recommendations from Public Health — Seattle and King County to reduce large numbers of people coming together at the same time.
There will be no classes on Monday, March 9 so that faculty and staff can prepare for alternative formats and communicate further instruction to students; Classes will resume Tuesday, March 10, reflecting instructional changes throughout the remainder of Winter Quarter. Students should contact their instructors with any course-related questions or concerns about having access to appropriate technology. Important Exceptions: Some specialized and/or professional-technical classes may continue to meet in person. Students will hear from their instructors regarding those exceptions. Additional precautionary measures will be taken in these instructional spaces, including priority sanitization of surfaces and seating students farther apart where possible.
Campuses Remain Open. All administrative, business and student services operations will remain open with regular hours at this time, including enrollment services, financial aid, library services, advising, counseling, childcare, and accessibility services.
Students are welcome on campus to use services as necessary, however everyone, including students, staff and faculty, should stay home if you are feeling ill.
Please continue to follow good personal hygiene habits including washing your hands often for at least 20 seconds, covering coughs and sneezes, and wiping down surfaces. Those who are at higher risk (including people over 60 years old, those with underlying health conditions or weakened immune systems, or are pregnant) may also choose to stay home. Faculty and staff wishing to explore working remotely should contact their supervisor to discuss options.
If a member of the South Seattle College community tests positive for Covid-19, college operations will be immediately reassessed.