When you live in a country with a constitutional amendment that approves slavery for all, the substance too from the actors is all bullshit. Need to start snuffing them out, been time.
Not even real prison, he's getting 15 days in county jail lol
Imagine if a black man would have kicked in a white family's door and yelled racial slurs and death threats, he would have gotten years in prison, but he's a white cop that kicked in a black family's door so he gets a slap on the wrist.
Not even real prison, he's getting 15 days in county jail lol
Imagine if a black man would have kicked in a white family's door and yelled racial slurs and death threats, he would have gotten years in prison, but he's a white cop that kicked in a black family's door so he gets a slap on the wrist.
If a white man broke into a Mexican family's house and yelled racial slurs and death threats, he should be punished by being forced to listen to a collection of Norteño rap CDs.