Driving is fucking stupid and I hate every second I'm behind the wheel of my truck having to be among all of these mouth breathing retards.
Almost every time I have to go somewhere I'll get in my car in a great mood and within 10 minutes I'm cussing people out and yelling "retard" over and over killing my great mood.
I used to fuck with Arch Enemy way back in the day, saw them at Ozzfest 2005. Didn't really pay attention to them for like 10 years. When I saw them being co headliners with Amon Amarth like a month ago I looked them up again to check out some of their new music and had no idea they had a new singer lol
I've watched a few live concert videos with the new singer and she seems decent. I noticed in all of the youtube comments people are hating her though cause people still love the old singer lol