I'm thinking about dropping all MMO's until WoW Classic drops. I'll probably play Classic just because I didn't play much of vanilla. I played until like level 10 and quit because I thought it was stupid at the time cause I didn't really understand MMO's or how they worked, I didn't really get that leveling was mostly about learning the game, seeing the story, and that end game was the real game. I didn't understand that there was no "end" to it. I was basically PS2 console pleb at the time and didn't get it at all. Came back to it in BC when friends at work showed me the ropes and ended up loving it.
lol for you it should be ok because you are grown and can deal with the lack of quality of life stuff new wow has, but this younger generation won't last a week when they have to run to a dungeon entrance. I might even play just to see people rage