I put in a uniform request for a new security jacket awhile ago and just got it delivered. They have brand new ones apparently... it's weird because it's just a black 5.11 tactical parka with no company markings or anything that says security or anything at all lmao. Basically just this black beanie that says security on it is the only thing that distinguishes me from just any person walking around in a black jacket and you can buy these beanies at gas stations 😂
Well theres this little flip down thing in the chest pocket that I can attach a little security guard badge on I just discovered. But fuck that. And a panel in the back that flips out and down. Maybe you're supposed to sew a security patch onto it
Well theres this little flip down thing in the chest pocket that I can attach a little security guard badge on I just discovered. But fuck that. And a panel in the back that flips out and down. Maybe you're supposed to sew a security patch onto it
RemyRoux and NotAllThere