What's the deal with packages of Hi-Chews? The last time I bought them the damn bag was like 75% apple Hi-Chews. They're ok but the strawberry are much better and Grape is the best. After getting a bag with about 15 Apple Hi-Chews, 3 Strawberry, and 2 Grape, I will never buy a mixed bag again. From now on it's straight to the Grape and Strawberry pack only. The tropical hi-chews are pretty good especially the pineapple ones but one of them has a really off flavor... I think it was the mango ones. I'm also pretty sure at one point the tropical Hi-Chews didn't have kiwi but had banana in there... who the hell still likes banana flavored candy? I mean really, come on people, let banana candy die, PLEASE. No one likes banana candy literally no one in the world. If you like banana flavored candy... you're entitled to your personal tastes but I would have to respectfully disagree with you, and I cannot appreciate or support such an opinion.