Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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May 4, 2002
I've seen a ton over the last few years both in college and where I work right now.

My job is flooded with them. Every time they start to rant you can hear a collective sigh around the room and everyone immediately starts to roll their eyes.

I laughed at one a couple of weeks ago with simple logic. This obese lesbian black chick with bright red dyed hair was ranting loud as fuck and mad about how it's racist that Bill Cosby got sentenced and thrown in prison, but Harvey Weinstein is still walking free. I simply said "it took them 5 years, numerous trials, and numerous different charges to get him convicted, and get him put in prison. Harvey Weinstein's alligations and charges just happened last year."

Her brain immediately started to malfunction, she started to stutter and the only response she could finally get out was "you wouldn't understand because your white and I'm black". She didn't talk to me for like 3 days lol
yeah see the race card wouldnt work on me bc im native.... id just turn it back for lulz.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Watched Brooklyns Finest, damn that movie was intense I can't believe I never saw it before.
so i bought this can that got mixed beer and ice tea and this is pretty much worst shit i've ever drank
lol yeah that sounds disgusting... i drank some sweet tea flavored vodka though mixed with iced tea and it was super good. especially icy cold and it was hot that day