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May 4, 2002
I didn't want Brett Kavanaugh to be on the Supreme Court, but what those pieces of shit did to that dude was garbage. The amount of lies that woman got caught in, I was actually kind of happy he "won" and got put on the Supreme Court just to stick it to the Democrats using fake rape as a political tool.
no lie, i talked to my wife about this and i felt hella bad for dude bc everything that came out was faked.

one girl said she went to gang rape parties and didnt have a problem with it until shit got a train ran on her ( in so many words) and no one could vouch for her..
if you watched the whole thing. dian finestine got caught in a lie and had to "confirm" that she didnt leak the ford doc..... if that didnt let you know these scum bags are full of shit, i dunno what else to say.
Jan 29, 2005
you're probably centre left
I think I'm dead center probably lol like half the big issues I agree with the right and the other half of the issues I lean with the left.

I'm pro guns with the right, but also pro abortion with the left.

I'm pro Mexican immigration with the left, but Anti Muslim refugee immigration with the right.

I'm pro gay marriage/gay rights/trans rights etc with the left, but I also see zero need to throw your sexuality all over everything and think the fucktards raising their kids who don't know any better as "gay" or "gender neutral" is retarded. I get agitated reading stories where people are saying their 3 year old toddler is trans. It's like bruh, I want to fight for you, but you're making it hard lol

I'm equal rights for all people regardless of race/gender/sexual orientation/gender identity etc. with the left, but also think these Antifa idiots who do worse things then the people they're "fighting" against should kill themselves for being hypocritical retards.

I legit laugh when these SJW left retards will scream how they're being oppressed into the face of a silent respectful person from the right. Like bruh, do you not see the hypocrasy of what you're actively doing right now by saying your oppressed by a person who you are currently oppressing?

I'm at a point where I'm like fuck both sides honestly. I almost don't even want to care about any of the shit I care about.

Fuck it, if my guns get taken, then oh well. If a chick can't get an abortion, then oh well. If the SJW's want to open the floodgates to allow in Muslims because of "tolerance" and we end up living under Sharia Law in 20 years, then oh well lol fuck it. Fuck em all.
Jan 29, 2005
I read that story down in your country about that Muslim refugee that raped the 15 year old Aussie girl, admitted to raping her, but still got off with no jail time because the courts said "it's ok, he didn't know it was bad because of his religion" and similar stories in the UK about all of the Muslim grooming rape gangs getting away with it because of "tolerance". Meanwhile people are getting jail time for hate speech by telling the Muslims to leave or that guy in England that prison time for leaving a bacon sandwich on the stairs of a Mosque. Shit is crazy.

I see how bad the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France Denmark etc. have it with the Muslims immigrants and I'm glad we only have it a little bad here in comparison lol

I actually feel bad defending the Muslim refugee shit in the past thinking they were just people who needed help, then the stories started rolling in about what's happening with that group of people. Now I find myself a full on anti-Muslim bigot, when I used to defend them lol