Seems like it could be worse. I hope you have a nice fancy chair or can bring in some kind of cushion and maybe one of those lumbar support things. Take care of that back, maybe even keep your wallet in a front pocket. I've read extended periods of sitting with a wallet on one side can cause problems with that bit of unevenness. When's the last time you got an eye exam? If you have to wear glasses it's better than eye strain. I have 20/20 but should be wearing glasses for reading and computer screens and night driving apparently. Eyes get fuzzy and dry and red if I look at a screen for more than a couple hours without a break and these newer headlights everywhere kill me at night with the glare. I think the eye doctor told me practice 20/20... something like every twenty minutes at a computer, take twenty seconds to focus on some small object or small text twenty feet or more away.
Yeah, it ain't bad, I'm just a whiny bitch that doesn't want to get sucked into this for my entire life lol could definitely be much worse. The work is easy. The company is cool and provides free shit like snacks and drinks. Decent amount of PTO. It ain't terrible. The pay is kind of wack, but it definitely could be worse.
My back does scream at me every day though. We get two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch, plus 10 minutes a day of what they call "wellness" to do what we want with, so I use that to walk around and stay moving. I go outside on my breaks and walk around the building also. I don't see how most of these people sit all day, then just walk to the break room and sit down more, then walk back to their desk and sit more lol that shit is brutal.