I've never known how to pronounce that name there's hella fucking people with that name too
I remember at my last job I worked in payroll/HR where I managed employee personnel files and I would always come across that last name, that shit was like the most common name with the exception of a few names like Johnson and Smith. everytime I had to say it I would be like "new-gin.. newin.. nuyen.. negoyin... however you say that fucking name!"
Also when I do go to shows (mostly bands) that do pull in the hipsterish type crowds I usually get a few "what the hell looks" because I'm a big white dude in baggy clothes with a Yankees hat on lol.
I'm actually clean shaven, well, usually. Right now I got like the three day stuble thing going on because I hate shaving and have sensitive skin. Also, the person in my avatar that you posted is my father.
I'm actually clean shaven, well, usually. Right now I got like the three day stuble thing going on because I hate shaving and have sensitive skin. Also, the person in my avatar that you posted is my father.