Yea it's hella good there's some filipino cat in Vallejo that runs a pig roasting business out of his backyard. I swooped both checks at an engagement party with 50 people on some real I don't give a fuck about yo sharing hype
speaking of that college shit, out the door for that 3 hours of class which will basically consist of me checking out them sexy ass 18-22 year old hoes in my classes.
I would think a little Nguyen would be a derivation of the aforementioned AK. It is the chinese varietal as the AK has been customized by many nations especially those with communist allegiances. The nick name nguyen I would surmise comes from Americans encountering this chinese model in the Vietnam war off of the bodies of murdered Viet-Cong and North Vietnames forces.
Dipping those cigarettes in that water might seem like a good idea while your hanging out with Big Lurch but let me tell you it will make you say and do some crazy shit