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Jan 18, 2008
Rip City
I hate that feeling. Hope it goes away soon. Any idea of when you get to go home?
leaving the hospital 2marrow most likely, but going to a rehab center so I can have 24 hour care. They dont want me just going home when my leg is still hella corked. probably be there a couple weeks. God this fucking sucks. depresses me thinking about it


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
leaving the hospital 2marrow most likely, but going to a rehab center so I can have 24 hour care. They dont want me just going home when my leg is still hella corked. probably be there a couple weeks. God this fucking sucks. depresses me thinking about it
Sorry to hear all that breh. Just take it a day at a time, hell even an hour at a time, and a couple months from now you will look back at it like "well I got through that." Easier said then done I know but it really does help just to focus on the moment and not what's happening in the long run.
Jan 18, 2008
Rip City
Sorry to hear all that breh. Just take it a day at a time, hell even an hour at a time, and a couple months from now you will look back at it like "well I got through that." Easier said then done I know but it really does help just to focus on the moment and not what's happening in the long run.
yea, thanks man. Just sucks, havent walked in over a week, having to rely on people to do shit for me. Not use to not being independant. I try to stay positive, and I know I will get through this, but sometimes I just get down and out want this shit to just fucking heal already.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Can they get you some crutches so you can mob around with them? Or do they think it's just best to stay off your feet period right now? Yeah trust me I might not remember much of my hospital stay and it was for way different reasons but I know how much just chilling around all day sucks. Watch some movies or read a book or something. When I got better enough to do that it really helped. Plan something you want to do once your leg heals.. shit like that.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Jan 18, 2008
Rip City
Man, that morphine seriously made me trip and see shit for like 3 days. Had some crazy dreams. Called my bro at 4am and asked where was he, and called my girl at 530am asking what was she doing. I would see something that wasent there but say something about it, and people would be like wtf? I took some other drug tht started with a "D" NE said he had a drip of it going one time.