So I've been hanging out with my daughter for the past 2 weekends and it's just been awesome. I haven't really been on here too much and it's been for a reason. Me and the ol lady split back in October and shits been pretty difficult. I acted recklessly, she charged at me and without thinking about consequence I threw her away from me resulting in her going into the corner of the door frame. Resulting in a goose egg on her eye brow and a felony charge over my head. I go to court tomorrow to enter in the DAs proposed plea agreement. 3 years formal probation with the felony becoming a misdemeanor after completion. Tough road ahead but fuck, apparently I know no other way. Ultimately it was good that we went separate ways, just a horrible way of doing so. We were never good for each other and only tried to make it work for the kids sake, which is also a mistake. I've really been focusing on me and the things I need to do and improve to be a better version of myself. And I've been doing a pretty good job at that imo. I'm eating a better balanced diet, doing alot of walking and basketball and physical activities to stay sharp. Reading books an shit, overall just finding myself again. Being stuck in a toxic situation for so long you forget what you like and who you are due to always being on pins and needles and worrying about the mental stability of the person sleeping next to you every night. I feel alive for the first time in forever, and it's a great feeling. Not dreading waking up and getting out of bed every day is a relief. If you're around depression and mental issues enough that shit IS contagious