Imagine if in ten years you're watching a salute your shorts documentary or people bring it up in coversation or you saw a thing online or it reminded you of it or something, but they sing the song "Camp anawanna, we hold you in our hearts, and when we think about you, I hope we never part!", and that's it.
No budnick saying "it makes me wanna FART!" The song doesn't get interrupted, nothing. They just sing it and move on. The footage looks a little different. Wait, waht the fuck? This isn't the same fucking thing, this is like a different take of it.
Then you go online and search the lyrics and all you see are these lyrics. You search for the budnick part and it's not there. You maybe find some random little forum post that's like 12 years old on the 8th page of the search results that says "Didn't it used to be "it makes me want to fart? I clearly remember this. There's no way this changed I've sung it like that hundreds of times as a kid." and someone else typed "No, it's always been this way." and someone else types "I thought i remembered the fart part too." and someone says "No, it was never a fart part." and links you to the wikipedia where theres no mention of the old lyrics. And link you to the weird footage you saw earlier. Then links you to Snopes or something: "Did the salute your shorts song use to say 'makes me wanna fart?": FALSE. There are several unsubstantiated claims that blahblah FALSE.
Anyway thats what I was talking about earlier. No one cares.
I don't even care lol