Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
Today I went to Starbucks with my genderqueer non-binary friend. I had a bagel, green tea with honey and a late to go and xi had a salad and a water because xi is watching xir weight. We were sitting eating and talking quiet happily when suddenly we heard a little child speaking to his/her brother/sister (my apologies for not knowing these kids’ real gender identities; their father called them “boys” but you can never be too sure, considering the white cissexist bullshit that was about to come out of this father’s mouth, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were girls).
Kid B (the younger one) says to kid A, “you’re a lesbian!” and quick as a flash the father lies, “Boy cannot be lesbian, drink your lemonade!”
WTF JFC! I WAS APPALLED! This is horrible! I almost jumped over the table and across the chairs and punch that asshole in the face! I mean SO MANY THINGS WRONG with what he said to the poor child. Boys CAN be lesbians if they identify as lesbians. I have a number of cis male lesbian friends. He was blatantly erasing their entire lived experiences with such an ignorant lie! I couldn’t believe what we were hearing (xi was in the brink of tears). The kid was 4 years old. How does that father KNOW that his child won’t grow up to identify as a lesbian! Assholes like this is why I firmly believe cis assholes are scum! This is why I believe in Tumblr Feminism!! FUCK THE CIS HETERO PATRIARCHY AND RAPE CULTURE!!
I should not that during all this time, the mother was sited next to this man. She kept quiet all the time, no doubt she was abuse by the bruise marks on her face.
I know most people in Tumblr DON’T believe in the “patriarchy”, “rape culture”, or equal rights to non-cisgender people. However if you do as I do, and you seek justice as I seek it, then I ask to please reblog!


( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
infinity is clearly smoking crack now

Like not even joking dude is fried


Must've been molested as a kid or something lol
I’m a Jewish vegan trans-autistic postgender transgender transsexual transdimensional multisouled dragonkin athiest anarcho-communist deconstructivist pufferfish-kin biofluid furry brony fith-wave-ecofeminist muslim trans-racial exo-otherkin, who identifies as a trans-fedora who has depression, anxiety, down syndrome, trans-autism, gender identity disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, ADD, HIV and BBC. Xi am triggered by the color teal. On top of that Xi am a gender-bender demi-queer, multisouled, polyneurodysmorphic, quasi-persyn, mathematical-entity sexual, non-trans-soluble-in-water, void identified and a spiderman fetishist.
My preferred pronouns are xe, xi,xo and xum and I kill cis scum. After reading all this zou still do not know xe, as just a very short list of the 1% of pronouns that the patriarchal society has assigned to xe as a part of their systematic oppression of all xindividuals (or multiple identifying entities or voids) who do not fit the “prefect and normal” stereotype of a heteronormative genderbinary cis white-privileged human-identifying Christian male who identifies as possessing only one mind, which Xi entirely defy, redefining cultural norms and deconstructing archaic systems. Further more, I am a womyn of color, trans-similar to “Rosa Parks”, hear xe roar. When Xi protest on the streets, Xi feel (feelings are fact) that I am re-living (or trans-re-dying) the horrors faced by xelle under the oppressive apartheid every time someone criticisms xe on zum internet.
It is truly like the holocaust in which 6,000,000 of Xy innocent chosen Jewish people of G-d perished under the hatred of the Nazis of which I am a third generation survivor, Xy grandxarents (Xey do not identify as having genders) were murdered atonly age 6.


( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
Ever since I was a child I have felt like a girl who does not believe in paragraph breaks. From a young age I was extremely uncomfortable with my body and also with formatting texts posts over one hundred words. For example, I would dress up in female clothing and use my mom's high heels to smash the enter key on my keyboard, so that I would feel pretty and feminine and not have the temptation to do anything to make my life story more readable when I post it for strangers on the internet to analyze. I figure that since I am only 26, it will not be a problem for people to read a summary of my entire life in the form of a single run-on paragraph, and also I will probably have a good chance of passing since I am still somewhat young and have lot of time to make changes. During puberty I always secretly thought of myself as a girl and would play a girl in video games and on Halloween. As a result of being so feminine I was bullied a lot in school, and therefore missed the day in computer class when we learned about how to divide digital texts into separate sections by inserting line breaks. On the day we learned that, I stayed home from school and pretended that I was a princess with the power to declare that nobody in the kingdom should write in paragraph form ever again. I also wore a tiara and a dress and felt really great and realized that I wanted to be a cute girl. That was one of the most formative experiences of my childhood and from then on I would lie in bed at night praying that I would wake up to be a girl who ignores all conventions of readability and post formatting, and also gets to wear pink and use emojis and take ballet dancing classes. Furthermore throughout my life, whenever someone has mistaken me for a girl (like when my teacher would shake her head and say, 'her spelling is good but she doesn't grasp the format of a five paragraph essay at all' after I turned in my analysis of Lord of the Flies as a single spaced 12 point font three page block of unreadable text jumping at random between different points in the narrative and lacking a thesis of any kind) I would be very happy and would smile for the rest of the day. I discovered the reddit transgender community when I was in college, and when I saw it I knew that I also wanted to be one of the people who made others' eyes glaze over by pouring out their life narratives without pausing for breath and proudly declared that she was a woman, not caring what anyone else thinks of her gender identity or her ability to insert spacing into thousands of words of heartfelt memories fears and gender dysphoria being posted to public view. I know that society is transphobic and sometimes I feel afraid, but then I think, screw them just like I am screwing over my readers right now by making them navigate this impenetrable wall of text in order to be able to help me with my problems, and I believe that I could successfully transition to female one day. However, though all my life I have wanted nothing more than to become a girl, and desperately wish to have breasts and smooth skin, still I am afraid that the 2% of readers who can successfully process my novella-length incoherent ramblings will disagree and say I am just a confused guy who is barking up the wrong tree in a series of loosely-connected clauses that continue without any discernible pattern or end-goal! These doubts make me nervous that I might not actually be trans even though I am sure that I identify as a WOMAN who lacks any semblance of an ability to write in a coherent fashion. So what do you think, am I transgender?


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I've never had Tulsi tea aka holy basil tea before but it tasted weird, made me tired as fuck / groggy in a bad way, then i had to take like a minute long piss even though I feel dehydrated and haven't drank much water tonight like it stripped all the water out of me. Super diuretic

I need to go to Costco buy some ito-en green matcha tea start drinking that every night again