I'd rather raise my own chickens or buy a calf or piglet and raise it on my aunts farm then pay to have them professionally butchered. They drive right out with this big truck and do it right there on site. You can even have them make your own specific sausage / pepperoni / cured ham etc just the way you want it
I'd rather raise my own chickens or buy a calf or piglet and raise it on my aunts farm then pay to have them professionally butchered. They drive right out with this big truck and do it right there on site. You can even have them make your own specific sausage / pepperoni / cured ham etc just the way you want it
My sister is raising some goats down there in Puyallup but I'm pretty sure they're considered pets at this point and they won't kill them. They were going to do the whole babacoa burial cooking thing
Dunno. I know they produce milk. And yeah goats fucking reek and are foul beasts, but they're hilarious. My aunt has one that sounds like a small child being hurt and screaming at the top of it's lungs it always freaks me out, it's always yelling
Dunno. I know they produce milk. And yeah goats fucking reek and are foul beasts, but they're hilarious. My aunt has one that sounds like a small child being hurt and screaming at the top of it's lungs it always freaks me out, it's always yelling
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again. Goodbye forever, butcher. Im not coming back, this is the end.