That's what us Australians (my only friend
@jake921660 will confirn) like to call "taking the piss"; it's like sigging, I'm just messing with him. He appreciates this type of humor
Besides you can't actually make fun of someone who has a better life than you and could kick your ass, so any perceived meanness can be easily dismissed, as Mac Jesus did the very first reply
Haven't had ephedrine in awhile and i took some for energy on top of several cups of tea and some strong black coffee now i can't stop tapping my leg and I'm pretty sure im going to die
It's amazing how much energy caffeine combined with ephedrine gives you. It's a fantastic combination. You can buy it over the counter in Canada
@Mac Jesus i suggest you try it sometime
My goddamn stupid retarded body won't let me drop below 165 lbs. It's like it's fighting me. I need to do it though getting to 160 was my original goal i started 533 days ago and it's an obsession. An unhealthy, dangerous obsession
I'll wake up like 3 hours into sleeping then be in the kitchen unable to control myself at all, and I'll eat the craziest shit. Anything that's there I'll just eat it. Today i woke up and started scraping that dirty pan i fried that steak in with a fork and eating the little bits of crust and oil and goddamn that shit was ridiculously delicious even though i knew how crazy it was
I guess it's not too crazy. I mean deglaze the same pan and same little bits with a little beef broth throw some flour in there, pepper, and you got a nice gravy that pretty much anyone would think was super hyphy