Last night I found two of the three high security doors leading from the public retail garage fire exit stairwell to the residential garage, and more specifically right to the areas where a lot of the more pricier bikes and racks are, with the jambs / strikers completely jammed up with green trident chewing gum, un-chewed. I knew something was up... so I left it there.
Go figure at 0650 I see the same two people creeping through the garage trying to stay off camera, then they go straight to the stairwells. Recorded the pickup truck license plate I saw them sort of by figuring it was "theirs" (it also had a couple of bags and purses in the back, and some gas cans, and two bikes), then I go into the stairwell and hear some clanging of tools and then it grows quiet, and I peep down and see them descend to the very bottom with a couple of bikes; called the cops and gave the license plate and said it was suspicious activity. Truck is stolen and 4 cop cars show up in about 2 minutes with some super aggressive cops. In that tiny little time-frame the chick basically ran up 5 bikes to the guy at P1 and he rode them to the truck, tossed them in, they were going fast. Not fast enough, cops proned him out. They found her hiding at the very bottom of the stairwell trying to get into this little elevator access pit thing. Got out of there at 0720.
Fuck those people; stay off my goddamned property, and don't fucking break doors and steal shit goddamned idiots
Fuck them