Yeah so heres what went down, at the begenning of the month a had flare up a pancreititis and spen just under a week in the hospital. got out, did drink anything was feeling great, then one morning I decided to go out to bfast with my broad, Infelt great everything was cool we walk down the concrete steps and luckily made it to the grass theat divides the sidewalk from the street before my vision goes all kailaidascopey and I pass the fuck out. I wake up to her sreaming and some fed ex dude calling 911, i cant sit. The take me back to the er and It turns out I have a pulminary embolism (big blood clot in my lung) and keep my for a week on blood thinnners and anti-coagulants because theyre scared im goiing to die. Just got out two days ago, im on 15 meds, one of which i inject into my stomach twice a day, and i carry around oxygen when i leave the house like an old man. should be mostly healed in about six months. I feeel like shit, every time I take a big breath or cough it feels exactly like getting kicked in the ribs, and if I hiccup it feels like the world is ending.
OK, sorry for all the bitching.