Tonight was pretty nice. Took a thc cap and drank a couple cups of medicated chai tea. New GoT episode was pretty good; they can't come fast enough each episode leaves me wanting more. Ate some spicy pico with multigrain brown rice, flax and sesame and sunflower seeds, and quinoa tortilla chips. Browsed some pleasant GoT discussions and looked at positive things like uplifting news articles and funny gifs. Ate a salted caramel crunch chobani yogurt for dessert. Found a diablo3 character planner that imports my actual character gear; learned how to quintuple my damage with some gear and skill rearrangement. Took a few walks in the cool crisp air which is a welcomed respite from sleeping in the heat. Drank good coffee all night. Basically was a nice stress free and uneventful night, and it was refreshing.
I'm sure you're glad no one was able to type anything at all through the entire night. Wouldn't want you to have to read anything on a text based communication system that you're voluntarily participating in