Goddamn it is nice as fuck out here today. Tacos Chukis was consumed now onto some park brewskis. Smoked a fat joint of Jet Fuel this dude rolled up before we ate anyone else ever have it? Good stuff I'm still pretty damn lit and that was like 2 hours ago.
Goddamn it is nice as fuck out here today. Tacos Chukis was consumed now onto some park brewskis. Smoked a fat joint of Jet Fuel this dude rolled up before we ate anyone else ever have it? Good stuff I'm still pretty damn lit and that was like 2 hours ago.
i used to know this dude named Deezy (aka A.D., one of Ap9's cousins)
dude was grimy as fuck and for like a month straight every single day he drank a fifth of hennessy and ate two of those salisbury banquests a day dude was the grimiest dude ive ever met in my life
She had her reasons for doing whatever it was she did to you, just leave it be and let her live her life and you live yours. Don't stalk her facebook, twitter and IG accounts. Just move on and whatever you do DONT FUCKING SHOOT HER.