Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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May 7, 2013
think I finally get my CPAP machine to fix this sleep apnea on the 22nd. They just called and said I have to sit through a class about the machine. I started this process in August lol

fucking VA, takes 7 fucking months to give a $300 machine. If manufactures would just let people buy them I would've bought my own.

Watch them be like "we'll schedule you another appointment to come pick it up" after the class and it will be another month. I took the damn sleep study 6 weeks ago lol

I wish I had real health insurance.
Breh that specific VA has boxes upon boxes of unused new computers in the basement that they refuse to hook up. The DC peeps have been out in PHX a few times over the past couple years to straighten them out and they refuse to get their shit together- won't even get their filing system online like they supposed to. Smh its that location that is incompetent (granted not the only one)
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Jan 29, 2005
Breh that specific VA has boxes upon boxes of unused new computers in the basement that they refuse to hook up. The DC peeps have been out in PHX a few times over the past couple years to straighten them out and they refuse to get their shit together- won't even get their filing system online like they supposed to. Smh its that location that is incompetent (granted not the only one)
Yeah the Phoenix VA was hammered pretty bad by congress and they're still fucking up.

It's weird, you would think Phoenix would have it's shit together compared to a bunch of backwoods towns across the country.