One time we ditched school and went to the U-District and met up with some kids we knew out that way. Spent the whole day running around drinking 40s, smoking weed, huffing dust-off and slap tagging. This one kid from this crew called Kill Your TV had one of those big postal stickers he drew a sick piece on and almost died sticking it to the side of a bus that took off from a red light and caught his backpack, or some shit I don't remember, and dragged him behind it for two blocks before he got free. Scrapped the fuck out of his elbows they looked like big league chew. Anyways seeing those were cheap as fuck we grubbed at Taco Bell on the Ave four times throughout the day & night getting one of those each time seeing they were huge and a buck. On the bus right home that night my buddy passed out drunk and shit his pants. Fun day.