I like IPYM, he's a cool and smart dude. That said he seems to hate eveything these days and I'm not just talking about music. I usually don't even read his posts anymore when it's on that subject.
Yeah it's really good. I love the thin crust with the white sauce then whatever toppings. It's just that you can demolish like half a medium thin and be like hmmmm still kinda hungry lol. That's why I always get a pan for the second one. Like a slice or two of pan, some thin squares and a few parm bites each time and you got like 4-5 meals for cheap.
Cup O' Noodles have buy one get one free coupons in them right now and Bartell Drugs has a deal through the end of August of 3 for $1.00. I got enough BOGO coupons that next time I go I can get 12 for $2.00 with the ongoing deal