One could argue that science is responsible for larger scale evil acts, from abortion, to creating crystal meth, to creating hydrogen bombs and chemical weapons, to all of the greed surrounding the oil industry, and a hell of a lot of other stuff than any faith or religion. But that doesn't represent you right? You studied it because you wanted to find answers, or make a difference in your own or other people's lives. Neuroscience used to consist of drilling holes into people's heads to get rid of headaches. Scientists once told the world that the sun revolved around the earth and the world was flat. But that's not your fault right? I think your field is just as much of a joke as you think my beliefs are. If you somehow make a positive impact in someone's life with your work, that's great. If you find the answers you're looking for, good for you. But I've largely found the answers to the questions I have had and I help people regularly. People who twist the Bible to do stupid or heinous stuff don't represent me or my faith the same way misinformed or scientists with shady motives don't represent you.