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May 4, 2002
Star wars was like a decent movie a bunch of feminists took a dump on.

The female lead is literally perfect and borderline omnipotent. They could have written her well as a sensible character and it would have had no effect on the overall story. But they "female empowerment"'d her up and made her more obnoxious than Jar Jar Binks.

But the worst part was her acting. I'm talking one of the worst performances I've seen in a long ass time in a hollywood movie. Past around 30 minutes in I checked my watch every time without fail she appeared on the screen.

Aside from the overacting feminist nightmare, the rest of the movie was ight. Theres one pretty annoying event I didn't enjoy and a lot of other folks who grew up with star wars wouldn't like either, but I won't be a namo and spoil the movie.

Only watch it if you really really enjoyed the original star wars movies.
LoL wtf is this.

Most people go to the movies to get a little away time. Who the fuck does reviews like this, over analyzeing a sci-fi movie.

This reminds me of the SP yelp ep, 1 star bc the female character was on screen to much.


Dec 18, 2008
At the Pump
Grim you seriously got some underlying issues bruh. I had been reading peoples opinions and reviews of the movie and YOU are THE ONLY ONE that took away from that movie what you did. There sounds like there is a lot to bitch about with the movie, but absolutely NOBODY came away with the impression you did. Please Grim, for your sake, your families sake, and women's sake, put down the bottle and get some help. Advice has done nothing for you when we offer it. Talk to your boss, you work at a pharmacy so I'm sure your boss knows some good shrinks


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Grim you seriously got some underlying issues bruh. I had been reading peoples opinions and reviews of the movie and YOU are THE ONLY ONE that took away from that movie what you did. There sounds like there is a lot to bitch about with the movie, but absolutely NOBODY came away with the impression you did. Please Grim, for your sake, your families sake, and women's sake, put down the bottle and get some help. Advice has done nothing for you when we offer it. Talk to your boss, you work at a pharmacy so I'm sure your boss knows some good shrinks
I appreciate the concern dog, really..but theres no need. I havent drank anything in a few days and I'm excelling in all my school subjects, even got an email from my history teacher commending me for my achievement.

And if I was a dangerous and hateful person who held onto the ways a lot of folks treated me, I still wouldnt be a risk as guns and most weapons are totally illegal in this country.

As for asking my boss for psychological help, I dont really think mental issues are to be disclosed with ones employer lol