Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Bob Pimp MOBBEN!!!
Apr 25, 2002
I got an elite wolf grey lynch jersey. Wore it to the bay when I kicked it with Cut-Throat @Cut-Throat ALL BOUT CHICKEN @ALL BOUT CHICKEN and 0R0 @0R0 and some broad tried to talk shit, so we punked out her man. Iller also karaoke'd the best Back That Ass Up ever at that same bar.
i remember i couldnt her that fool until the hook came on and then it was hyphy time... i karaoked hella songs that night, but the only ones i remember were Roses by outkast and back to the hotel. i remember tellin JayTee i made N2Deep relevant again in Berkeley... Epic Night!!!
Jan 29, 2005
Me and my daughter just got smited by the rain gods. Was walking home from the mall by our apartment, like 30 seconds after we walk outside it starts downpouring. The street we have to cross to go from the mall parking to our apartments we rarely have to wait to cross, today we had to stand there getting downpoured on forever cause that just happened to be the one time there is traffic at that spot. Then as soon as we hit our building, rain stops.

Fuck off idiot rain fuck you