This chick was wearing one of those scene girl animal hats, Scene haircut, yoga pants, a vest, and ugg boots. She went clubbing like this lol what the fuck
I agree based solely on the name and it being on TBS. No idea what it's about or when it came out lol probably back when they wete doing independence day movies and that wild west movie with will smith
Dude fuck KFC man, quit invading my life god damnit. I leave for work and turn off the tv as a kfc commercial is playing. Then check my mail box like fucking 20 KFC spam coupon mailer things tossed in there. Now a KFC Christmas themed YouTube ads every fuckin where man fuck the hell off KFC
Watching any movie on TBS is an act of mental endurance they always turn a 1 1/2hr movie into 2 1/2 to 3grs with all the goddamned commercials, and they even edit and cut shit to add more commercials lol like entire scenes especially rated R movies
Ordered protein powder and two blender bottles and also some powdered greens with Amazon free shipping. Should be here in like 9 days lol. If i had prime it'd be here tomorrow. #secondclasscustomers #tieredcustomerservice #paywallfordecentorderprocessing #theypurposelywait twoextradaystoprocess freeshippingorders togetyoutobuyprime #amazoncustomerforyears itdidntusetobelikethisatall
I'm going to open a live chat with a rep right now and tell them to stop purposely delaying free shipping orders and giving second tier service to non prime members, and how im going to sue them for it unless they upgrade me to prime for free