Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
Awesome. I totally figured the rent check (payed it a couple days ago) into the balance of the money I have in my checking account when I was looking at my money earlier today. Was like alright minus that much for rent I have ______ left. That's not too bad. Then I went to pay one of my credit card balances off and I noticed they had already deducted my rent check and what I was going off earlier was what is left afterwards :cool: Going to save half and go blow half on random stuff. Few extra hundred bucks more than you thought you already had is nice lol.
go do some meth and listen to music until your vital organs fail
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
so i got to work today after missing yesterday because i was 'sick' and half the roof in the staff room is missing. someone told me that last night some people were working on something in the roof and fucked up and there was a chemical spill so the whole shope had to be evacuated lol. on top of that the fire sprinklers went on in the staff room and flooded everything hahaha.