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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Just searched for Doomsday Productions on ebay and the cheapest cd on there is $40 lol weirdos

I could probably make a couple thousand on my old cd's
Remember you can list anything you want at any price, doesn't mean it will sell.

The reason I was asking on here was cuz the stuff on ebay is unreasonably priced.

Last time I saw filthy go on auction it sold for $25.

XV is different cuz there are different pressings. The shitty cheap ass version where the back artwork is the same as the front cover is essentially worthless, you might get $5 for it. Then the other versions have the full OG artwork, but the disc is different. One has a black disc and one has a silver disc. One is a reprint worth about $40-$50. The other is the OG and sells for $200-$300. I have no idea which is which lol.

But if you dug up your CDs I could pay you $75 for both + shipping as long as XV isnt the shitty ass version. I cant pay that straight away, but my bro owes me £30 (about $50) and I got about $25 to my name right now. As for the shipping costs, I got some stuff I plan on selling.


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
lol don't spend your money on that bullshit.

You know what your "dope" old school gangster rap cd collection is gonna amount to when you're no longer 16? lol nothing

slap the tracks on mp3 and youtube and spend your money on something constructive like a savings account
I spend very little on CDs now. I like to buy the cheap CDs from UK sellers cuz hip hop has never really been a thing in this country bar a very small number of nerdy stones throw hip hop heads living here.

Really I complain on here but in some ways I am extremely lucky in that my mom gives me lunch money cuz I dont have a job yet. £5 a week, and I stick to the cheapest option of a tiny lil mini pringles tub for 69p, and I only eat in school 3 times a week cuz of my timetable. So I save up the rest of the money and, now that I given up hard liquor until I turn 17, I spend it in charity stores on hella cheap used CDs. I came up on wu-tang forever and me against the world both for £3 the other day. I find collecting CDs therapeutic, kinda a distraction from all the bullshit. And I enjoy having a physic product and watching my collection grow. Its pretty much my only hobby.

As for the handful of rare CDs I cop online, judging by some of these europeans and monitoring current trends, the value of these CDs is only going up and shows no sign of dropping for the foreseeable future. Maybe in 5 years time when I sell my rare CDs I'll make a few hundred bucks profit on what I paid for em to help me buy a house of a car.

I dont trust these banks, I hear about folks losing money too often. I dont think its worth it for the 0.0005% interest I might make from a savings account.


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
lol don't trust banks, investment portfolio consists of 1990's gangster rap cd's that might gain value

you got a bright future ahead of you kid lol
I might get into the stock market when I find myself a job, but when I got an income of about $3 a week to spend, aside from an isolated $20 here and there, I really dont think opening a saving account for that seems worthwhile.


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Back when I was on the texas takeover boards I knew a guy who made his living digging through used record stores and buying rare local releases for a couple dollars a piece and flipping them online for hundreds.