Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Man those antibiotics really fucked me up, i took two 3 day rounds of azithromycin 500mg, then a ten day course of augmentin 875mg amoxicillin / 125mg clavulanic acid. I ate that 3 pieces of pizza and some chocolate felt so sick i ended up puking now i got horrible heartburn from some water


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
calling me a punk is faking. youve never met me, but a lot of people on here have, feel free to ask them if they think im a punk.

and here is some really real advice for you. as a man with pretty solid substance abuse issues, i can already tell where youre headed with your drinking. its fucking up the few parts of your life--family, online friendships--that you seem to care about. you need to quit. like completely stop drinking. for the forseeable future. you'll either thank me in 20 years or wish youd listened.
I thought about what you said and I decided to drink nothing til New Year's Eve. A couple months dry should help me get my shit together.

This morning I poured the rest of my jack daniels down the toilet, gave the rest of my rum to my mom, and put my courvoisier away in a cupboard for a special occasion. As for the rest of the beer I got (4 pack of London Pride and a 6 pack of bud), I'll give those to my brother next time I see him. Parting with that london pride will be super hard, but I got a problem and the health implications are made even worse by my age.

DaGrimProphet @DaGrimProphet if u ever start following American football the raiders are one of the most gangsta teams out there right now
It would be extra easy to follow them seeing as I already got the jacket lol

DaGrimProphet @DaGrimProphet was it just like dozens and dozens and dozens of 30 second videos? What were some of them of? Fill us in here.
Most of them were pretty much the exact same thing. The bride comes from scotland, so there was a traditional scottish band and scottish dancing in the background, most of the videos are me just smiling with a beer or giving a thumbs up while that shit goes on in the background.