Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
I thought I was tripping because I smelled smoke (like campfire smoke, not oh shit the house is on fire smoke) and apparently someone else did too cause a fire truck rolled up about 10 minutes ago. I watched them all get out and then kinda walk around in front of my spot and the apartment complex next to mine trying to figure out where the smell is coming from. Then one points down the alley next to my place and they all go back to the truck and a few minutes later a couple cop cars pull up and they all go into said alley and I started hearing a lot of yelling followed by the sound of a fire extinguisher then out come the cops with some junkie looking dude still yelling, they throw him in the back of a cop car, and everyone leaves. Wonder how close that crackhead came to burning down my spot or the one behind it with his campfire.