It wasnt on tv just woke up and saw the highlights. I'm glad they won tbh, it was a battle between good and evil, entertaining football v boring 'take the two' broncos.
Fuck hodges the grub, glad he retires a loser.
Fuck 'I'm depressed I need out my contract to rejoin my daddy' boyd.
And fuck the donkeys.
JT will go down as one of the greats, he deserved the win, he carries the team on his back week after week.
It's easy to do all you need is some pliers and a drill, but it's hard to wrap without fucking it up. Like look at this dork he totally fucked it up now it's all spaced out looking super weak, that shits going to short out and break. It doesn't even hold liquid surface tension like my awesome coil look at how dope mine is compared to this weak shit, look how tight and clean it is. All that liquid tensioned on the surface of the coil and in all those nooks and crannies literally explodes when i hit the fire button it actually pops hella loud in an elite explosion of flavor and vapor. I'm so fuckin skilled at this e-cig shit and I'm so bad ass and cool, tbh
Texas can fuck off i used to appreciate and support texas but tbh fam texas is filled with a bunch of ignorant fat fucks who will never understand what a normal human portion of food is and are probably single handedly skewing americas obesity statistics. tbh texas needs to lose some weight