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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Mixerr Reviews #602
This is Michael Mixerr. Today this history news review will be on the low class in society.

The low class has been existing since the beginning of time. Since before 2000 BC.

Right after the 18th century, everyone started getting poorer at the start of the 19th century. This economic shift change was quite unexpected. This economic shift had changed for all members of social class drastically. The high class was shifted to middle class despite nearly all high class staying virtually the same. Those who were middle class were considered lower class which lead to the coined term 'middle class'. The lower class stayed low class.

Hardly any manual labor or housework was ever done by upper class which often resulted in the upper class to do the menial labor jobs the upper class considered too good and demeaning for them. They considered housework as unfavorable for them to do. That's why lower class people worked.

As for the lower class families, children were a source of income. If a woman from any class married and wasn't pregnant within a year of the wedding she was considered useless. Especially low class women. They were attacked constantly.

The low class has been getting higher and higher since the 19th century. Many people whom were once considered middle class have been shifted economically to the low class. Thus making them lower class economically. Right now in the 21st century, the low class has been continually growing.
tl;dr does mixerr hate poor people?


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Mixerr just made me feel better about not having a job.

Mixerr Reviews #606
People face a lot of stress and pressure when it comes to dealing with unemployment. Stress, fear, and pressure are factors that come along with unemployment. People lose their composure due to too much stress from unemployment. Fear and stress can become a part of you. So don't let fear and stress become a part of you and personality character.

People face a lot of stress and pressure when it comes to dealing with unemployment. Stress, fear, and pressure are factors that come along with unemployment. It is said that people lose their composure due to too much stress from unemployment. Fear and stress can become a part of you. So don't let fear and stress become a part of you and personality character. People face unemployment everyday when they get laid off or fired for whatever reason.

Whatever the reason may be. Suicide and death are rampant in certain cases of unemployment. Some people commit suicide because they cannot find employment in order to work in regards to making a living.

Imagine you got an interview for a job opportunity but you know very good and well that the employer is going to hire that other prior employee over you. It's similar to the rampant "getting hired and fired on the first day" stigma that is unfortunately overlooked in the United States workplace culture. This just goes to show you how replaceable of an employee you really are. The United States and Canada are NOT the only countries facing unemployment issues. A lot of people today are considered 'replaceable' by employers in today's workplace.

In the recent years of the 2010s decade, the United Kingdom is very much facing unemployment problems as well. Not to mention the countries in the continent of Africa. Many countries in the African continent have been facing unemployment for over 20 decades.

The best thing to do when you are unemployed is to keep job searching, filling out more job applications, get more references, and start networking. Networking is the biggest key to employment along with references. People face unemployment everyday when they get laid off or fired for whatever reason.
Speaking of which I'm starting my job search again tomorrow, it's been a couple weeks so something might have come up since the last time.