possibly. my main goal right now is to deeply ingrain life long eating habits through at least a year of calorie counting / weighing food / choosing healthier options. i tried the whole pump iron and pound whey protein bullshit from 19-22, all it did was make me fatter in the long run lol
The fuck should I know who this guy in your picture is? Some random twat on the internet holding up a sign + photoshop.
This one and the other picture dont match
Zoom right in and you can see how the "Butcher" is drawn on because it doesn't blend with the background. Zoom in on mine and you can see it's part of the actual photo. Still don't believe me, search google for the picture and you won't find any other hits...
Zoom right in and you can see how the "Butcher" is drawn on because it doesn't blend with the background. Zoom in on mine and you can see it's part of the actual photo. Still don't believe me, search google for the picture and you won't find any other hits...