Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
330g is only 0.727525 lbs though, that's not bad. At least I didn't add some french fries or other shit with it. I used to get home eat double that easily, or eat an entire frozen pizza or entire bag of wings or whatever. it takes baby steps before you can full on run into this health mobben way of life #Deep #realestshiteverwritten


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
But seriously you should stop. People who talk about their "progress" and all that are activating that reward center in their brain, they're leeching more satisfaction than what tiny insignificant thing they accomplished actually merits. It's setting yourself up for failure @BUTCHER 2K6

Like I said though, brb about to go eat with real people.


Mar 15, 2010
When your battery died you'll hear that clicking noise, at least mine does that when the battery dies from too much cold in the winter. Alternator could be the issue. You're best bet is to ask my other troll account ELPOLLITO @ELPOLLITO because I don't know about cars. I just dig holes in the dirt.
never knew i was mac jesus the whole time
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
lol Butcher literally everything you almost always post when you aren't just being a normal dude on here is taken from /b/ like hey you don't like bigger or fat chicks cool. The fat shaming and what you say when doing it is literally taken from those threads on there and you know it lol (regardless if that is where you saw it) Like I don't even care about that at all but even how you word things is how people on there do, same phrases and everything. That's just because you asked for a recent example.

We could go on about your pro cop posts which once again even if that's how you feel, same shtick of how they go about their pro cop threads and the didntdonuffins, which I've seen you say in various forms more than once. Your posts like those on here tend to be generally less racist than theirs though, most of the time at least or you later delete them and sometimes even type it was too apparent b8 when you do lol. It's not so much that if you actually believe these things or not, I don't care about that, it's the fact that you stole your whole style from your years of posting and lurking on there and hell maybe you don't even know it? lol

When you talk about social justice warriors, more /b/ stuff. Like hey are those tumblr feminists nuts? Yeah, I think so as well. But you just blindly post all the same stupid phrases and memes they do on there on here about it.

Seriously maybe you don't notice it somehow which is even weirder than me thinking you just think it's funny to post like that over here to get people riled up lol
>tries to rustle butchers jimmies
>gets rustles jimmied and posts a novel